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function levelの例文


  • Preference weights were given for each function level by 867 raters.
  • The preference weights indicated the social judgement of the importance of each function level.
  • JavaScript has lexical scoping nested at the function level, with the global scope being the outermost scope.
  • However, they are only compatible on function level and don't reproduce the original undocumented features.
  • Causal links are most useful at the Generalized Function and the Abstract Function levels which show flows of materials, processes, mass, or energy.
  • For such functions, preconditioning, which changes the geometry of the space to shape the function level sets like concentric circles, cures the slow convergence.
  • In addition, the scope of compiler analysis and optimizations vary greatly, from as small as a basic block to the procedure / function level, or even over the whole program ( interprocedural optimization ).
  • In other words, as signal level " V " is increased, the level of the cos ( " ?t " ) term in the output eventually levels off, similar to how the transfer function levels off.
  • A study on the outcomes of meniscus transplantation in active patients with severe cartilage damage found that the procedure provided significant improvements in pain and function levels for an average of 8.6 years with the majority of patients achieving their goal of participation in sporting activities.
  • Caffeine's biological half-life  the time required for the body to eliminate one-half of a dose  varies widely among individuals according to factors such as pregnancy, other drugs, liver enzyme function level ( needed for caffeine metabolism ) and age.
  • Yet another is the existence of function level definitions that are not the " lifted " ( that is, " lifted " from a lower value-level to a higher function-level ) image of any existing value-level one : these ( often terse ) function-level definitions represent a more powerful style of programming not available at the value-level and, arguably, are often easier to understand and reason about.